Celebrating 211 Day in 2023

- United Way of Connecticut Celebrates National 211 Day Press Release
- 211 I&R Fact Sheet
- 211 Housing Fact Sheet
- 211 Mental Health Services Fact Sheet
Today, we celebrate 211 day across the nation! And we here at UWC have plenty to celebrate with regard to our 211 CT team!
At the end of the phone line, there is a compassionate person saving a life, transforming a family, or changing a community…one phone call at a time. 211 is a unique asset to our state partners and communities – serving as a “one stop shop” to connect people to services and benefits that meet their urgent needs and improve their lives.
Here are just a few of the notable additional achievements of the outstanding 211 team in 2022:
211 I+R responded to 3 million+ inquiries by phone and on the web in FY22 from people seeking help!
- 211 I+R experienced a 23% increase in top 10 non-COVID phone inquiries compared to FY2015
- Secured AIRS stamp of approval again, winning an award as one of the top three re-accreditation performers in the past year.
211 mental health crisis was part of nationwide roll-out of 988, the new mental health crisis line, this past July.
- We expanded our crisis team by 60%+.
- Our 988 service is ranked consistently among the top three in the nation.
- We won the AAS 2022 Crisis Center of Excellence Award for the nation.

211 Child Care handled 39,819 inquiries for assistance, 171,007 website views, and trained 2,748 early care professionals.

211 Child Development provided 11,386 Birth to Three referrals, 3,523 referrals to Help Me Grow, 296 referrals for Children/Youth with Special Health Care Needs, and 655 referrals for Early Childhood Special Education.

Our mission is to help people improve their lives by connecting them to the resources they need. Please join me in thanking our terrific 211 team for their good work, today and every day – from our senior leadership to every single contact specialist, and our terrific administrative and IT teams who support the effort!